Hello darlings, today i will be giving five simple keys to maintaining your Big-chop (BC) and Teeny weeny Afro (TWA), hope this helps & encourages US.

  • MOISTURE: this is a very key regimen for all natural hair types, in order to ensure your hair has minimal damage or breakage, you need to apply products that are water-based in order not to create a barrier between your hair and what it really needs. Hence, you should stay clear off products with SILICONES, SULPHATES & PARABENS as ingredients, after avoiding such products then you should moisturize your hair daily & if your the very busy type, do endeavor to moisturize as often as possible.
  • GET A SPRAY BOTTLE(TWO): spray bottles come in  different sizes and are quite affordable, you can have one in your purse & the other in your bathroom. Add into this spray bottles distilled/filtered water, a carrier oil of your choice, an essential oil & glycerin. It should be mostly made up of water with just few drops of other ingredients to help sustain the moisture, apply as often as needed.
  • PROTECT YOUR HAIR ENDS: in order not to wake up one morning to see your hair all over your back or on your pillowcase, then you have to protect your ends. All you need to do is get yourself a SATIN BONNET or a SATIN PILLOWCASE, and your not air-drying, dry hair with a micro-fiber towel or an old T-shirt, trust me they work like magic! Seal your hair ends with a carrier oil like COCONUT, JOJOBA, OLIVE or GRAPE-SEED OIL to protect your ends from splitting.
  • BE GENTLE: for those transitioning from relaxed to natural hair, you have to be real careful with your hair because at this stage your hair becomes very fragile due to the line of demarcation & scab hair. Your line of demarcation is very week at this stage because it is the area of hair strands that separates the two textures you now have. Scab hair is an unscientific term used to describe the 'virgin hair' that is extremely dry after one stops applying chemicals like relaxers.
  • STEP OUTSIDE THE BOX & EMBRACE YOUR INNER BEAUTY: this is my favorite part of being a naturalista. its been two amazing months since i returned to my roots and so far i have come to realize that BEAUTY is not achieved through certain hair length or texture, it is simply found within YOU!  Hence, you all have to embrace your BC/TWA, nurture it lik a baby, love it & accessorize the heck out of it with makeup, headbands, scarfs, earrings & your bare shoulders! As the weather changes and it gets warm, try compliment it with a fun hair clip, a bold color with hair chalk or even a tiara YEA every girl loves em' some lovely tiara! The choices are bountiful, so be fierce, fun, fearless and funky with yourself & your TWA.
