Children's hair can be very tricky & sometimes it's more job than cleaning the dishes! How you care for your little one's hair depends on their type of hair & your kid's activity level.

There is no easy way to take care of our babies hair or styling it but there are ways to make it look less stressful and more fun by creating a hair care routine that works for you both, read below.

*toddlers shampoo 3 times a week
*oily or straight hair once a day
*curly hair/dry hair 7-10 days

The above will only work if you monitor how your child's hair responds to the recommended shampooing frequency, if necessary do make adjustments

For toddlers:
Washing their hair with shampoo 3 times a week is fine, comb hair from ends of hair slowly up to the shaft and avoid using your vent brushes.....✋

For preschoolers & above:
Note that as your child's hair gets longer, you are to wash it every other day, less often for very curly head of hair, African American or dry hair with a sulphate-free conditioner.

For kids in general:
  *Detangle hair in sections by dividing & securing hair in ponytail or with clips
  *Apply leave-in conditioner or Cantu kids detangler to each sections & finger comb gently so you don't hurt the child or damage the hair
  *Braid or twist sections so it doesn't tangle again
  *Avoid hairstyles that may cause tension on child's scalp and edges
  *Avoid harsh chemicals, DO NOT chemically relax kid's hair to straighten it, it will negatively affect their scalp & damage their God given hair
  *Use styling products that are naturally made & produced for kid's only.
  *Children below age 16 should not color hair permanently or semipermanently
  *If front hair is damaged, beautify with a cute headband or clips to hide short pieces while they grow

If you have other ways/methods to caring for our little one's hair, do share below. Do not forget to share article on your favorite social media platform below..... Thanks

