When your girlfriend tells you your hair aint growing...LOL


Many Naturalists hate it, fear it and even tries to fight it, imagine growing your hair for a year+ and everyone keeps saying 'your hair isn't growing' LOL, it can be very upsetting/ annoying when such comments are passed but no matter what we all do to our lengthy hair, it bounces back to a TWA so we just have to embrace it.

Definition: This is an indication that your kinks or curls are in good shape, if your hair is able to shrink back to its normal state after being stretched by whatever means without breaking shows that there is measure of health, elasticity & strength in your strands.
One can also say that the difference between the length of your hair when wet & when its gently stretched can be referred to as shrinkage.

Often times, Naturalist have tried and searched for solutions to combat or stop it, but in all honesty no one can stop Natural hair shrinkage, you either Embrace it or Minimize it. Shrinkage to a naturalist is like a plague of some sort and fighting it with heat products will only do more harm than good to your hair so its best to embrace it as it is a part of the Natural Hair journey.

I don't fight mine, i have long embraced it as a part of my journey and i love it everyday but i will share few tips on how to combat it and flaunt your hair length to those who do not believe that your hair is growing.

Tips to combat Natural Hair Shrinkage

  1. Braid out/ Twist out - the more you wear this styles, the more your hair will grow in both length & width.
  2. Roller sets like flexi rods, perm rods, sss plates and curl formers should be incorporated into your hair styling
  3. Bunning- is another easy way to stretch your curls, best done on wet or dry hair, moisturized with good water-based leave in product.
  4. African Threading - Some of us Nigerians know what this is like, we likely had to wear it while we were young.
  5. Banding- do this by sectioning your hair and wrapping into different ponytails with different colorful bands.
How have you been combating your hair shrinkage? Share with us using the comment box below, will like to hear from you.

