I did mine and found out i had low porosity ;-(, if you had the same result, then these post will be very useful to you.
What is low porosity? Its when your hair cuticle layer is tightly bound and closed making it difficult for moisture to pass into the hair.
Key to moisturizing a low porosity hair;
- Firstly you need to help your hair absorb lots of water
- Steam hair
- Clarify your hair
- Keep hair healthy
- Use moisturizers rich in emollients
- If your hair feels dry between washes, refrain from simply layering on products because products will basically stay on top of your hair and dry off in minutes causing buildup.
- Endeavor to spritz your hair overnight using water and any essential oil of your choice, once your hair cuticles are ready to receive products, then you can add your favorite moisturizer.
- Use heat products once a week to help open cuticles.
Co-washing is very popular in the natural hair community today because it helps remove surface dirt from hair. So you can co-wash your hair and shampoo as often as once every week or twice a month pending on how much time you can sacrifice using either Aloe Vera juice or ACV(Apple cider vinegar).
You need to keep hair as healthy as you can to avoid breakage, otherwise, no matter the product you use, your hair will not absorb moisture.
Do a DC(deep-conditioning) regularly with to help open the hair shaft and absorb all of the nutritious goodness in your hair conditioner.
Moisturizers rich in emollient such as Jojoba oil, Shea butter, coconut oil and mineral oil will hel
p and also stick to protein-free products and apply conditioners daily with humectants like honey or glycerin, this will help open up the bound cuticles.
If you did your hair porosity test, do comment below and share with us the result, also share article using your favorite social media, thank you for being a part of our Journey
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