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Hello Lovelies, its another weekend Yaaay! Hope our week was beautiful and fruitful? I have had several mails during this past week about how to soften our natural hair, someone sent a message asking what she can do about her 'stubborn' hair, another lady said her hair is difficult to comb etc etc...... So basically, am gonna give you a few tips that have worked for a couple of us Naturalistas.
Things to consider whether you are Transitioning or you Big-chopped are:
- Adequate DC & Moisture- You can never stop hearing Naturalistas talk about moisture moisture moisture, whether you are on a PS or not, you should keep your hair moisturized at least twice a day with a water based Moisturizer or a spritz mixture of water, carrier oils and glycerin(this helps attract moisture into your scalp & strands).
- Tea Rinses once in a while after your washing-This will leave your hair feeling really fresh & soft as an adequate Tea rinse will help reduce shedding and stop breakage , you can mix with ACV in a spray bottle for easy use.
- L.O.C Methods-Basically means application of Liquid Oil & Cream to our hair in order to promote maximum moisture retention & keeping our hair moisturized longer with a double sealing technique to prevent moisture evaporation from the leave-in conditioner.
For adequate Deep conditioning for softer hair:
Egg treatment- Known for its richness in protein & lecithin, helps in strengthening & moisturizing the hair and adds shine to it.
- 2-3 whole Eggs
- 1 tsp Honey
- 2 tsp Coconut or Olive Oil
Whisk mixture in a bowl and mix well until well blended, dampen hair with clean water, apply mixture from the roots to the tips of your hair, cover with a plastic cap and let sit for 30 minutes, wash off with lukewarm water and mild shampoo.
- 1/2 cup of Yoghurt
- 1 1/2 tsp of Almond Oil
- 2 whole eggs
Apply mixture to your hair, cover with plastic cap for 20-30 minutes, wash off as usual.
- 1 tsp ACV
- 1 tsp Olive Oil
- 1 tsp Almond Oil
- 2 whole Eggs
- Few drops of Rosemary Oil(not compulsory)
Apply mixture to your hair from roots to ends, cover for 30 minutes and wash off with lukewarm water.
Hot Oil Treatrment- This helps repair rough, frizzy & crisp hair, also strengthens & prevents damages from heat products. "The Hot Oil Treatment is a reliable means of combating dryness, be sure to include this process in your hair care regimen as it will result in softer, shinier, more manageable hair"
- Coconut oil
- Olive oil
- Castor oil
- Almond oil
These oils have been proven to be miraculously great in every Natural hair Regimen, you can either mix all oils together or just stick to one, whatever you decide its up to you, simply heat 4 tsp of your desired oil/mixture in a sauce pan, wait until its lukewarm, then separate hair into sections & massage oil from roots to tips, cover with hot towel(this will help open your pores & absorb the oil) let mixture sit for 30 minutes or overnight, then wash hair as normal.
Honey Hair Mask- Well known for its ability to moisten, nourish & add shine to hair, honey can also be used to help soften our natural hair.
Add mashed Avocado to 1 tsp honey, 2 tsp Olive oil and 3 tsp Coconut oil, apply mixture to hair and let sit for 30-60 minutes, wash hair thoroughly with lukewarm water.
You can also add a few drops of honey to your shampoo in order to utilize it regularly.
Avocado in the mixture will help treat damaged hair if any & leave hair well nourished and moisturized.
Apple Cider Vinegar- Is a natural occurring hair conditioner that will leave hair well moisturized, cleanse the scalp of any residues of synthetic hair products & help maintain the pH balance of the scalp and prevent dandruff.
Half cup of ACV with 1 cup of water mixed together, apply to damp hair & leave for 10-15 minutes, rinse with lukewarm water and style as usual.
These are a few DIY treatments you could try & it definitely will help keep your hair softer and manageable.
If you tried any of the above DIY treatments, do send us feedback also share article on your favorite social media below. Thank you and Enjoy the Weekend.
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