Happy New Month Beautiful....Second half of 2016, good to be alive!
We hear about Avocado this, avocado that everywhere we go, either to a cosmetologist, hair stylist, nutritionist etc but really what is this Avocado about? Ride with me

Avocado is a fruit enriched with vitamins E, A fatty acids, proteins and high level of calories essential fats which are beneficial for a proper nutrition and skin hydration. It contains regenerative & protective properties which makes it an ideal vegetable oil for treating dry skin, chapped hands, dry hair etc.
We hear about Avocado this, avocado that everywhere we go, either to a cosmetologist, hair stylist, nutritionist etc but really what is this Avocado about? Ride with me

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Avocado is a fruit enriched with vitamins E, A fatty acids, proteins and high level of calories essential fats which are beneficial for a proper nutrition and skin hydration. It contains regenerative & protective properties which makes it an ideal vegetable oil for treating dry skin, chapped hands, dry hair etc.
Benefits of Avocado oil images
- It reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases
- Due to the presence of alpha linolenic acid, it helps prevent cancer, particularly breast cancer & colon cancer.
- Vitamin E in avocado oil treats & prevents skin cancer & prostrate cancer.
- It helps moisturize the skin, leaving it soft & radiant.
- It helps in softening of our hair, when used as a deep conditioner or prepoo treatment for our hair.
- Helps with spots & sun burn
- Excellent for skin complexion
- Serve as an anti aging property
- Aids in digestion & weight management
- Reduces inflammation in tissues, joints & muscles
- Helps prevent bad breath
- Helps to overcome nausea & morning sickness during pregnancy
- Serves as both culinary & cosmetic use.
DIY homemade avocado oil
- Cut fruit into half, extract pulp
- Scrap flesh into a blender & add 4.2 cups of coconut cream
- Blend mixture together until smooth & without any lumps or chunks
- Consistency should look like a wet paste
- Pour content into a large pot & heat on medium/low
- Stir with wooden spoon every 5 minutes to prevent burning
- Observe it & ensure that moisture has been expelled & evaporated before turning off heat
- Strain with a clean cloth over a large bowl
- Squeeze out as much oil as you can using the cloth to extract into bowl
- Pour extracted oil into a glass jar (airtight dark glass is recommended to ensure maximum duration of freshness for the oil)
Have you tried any other method aside the above method? Do share with us, we will love to hear from you.
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