Hello Beautiful people around the world, hope you all had an amazing week?
I want to do a post on Trimming & Dusting real quick to ensure we all know the difference and its importance in our NATURAL HAIR JOURNEY.

TRIMMING : This is the act of cutting off half an inch of our hair upwards to ensure that our hair ends remain healthy from split ends and damage. Trimming should be done at least 3-4 months or as often as you please, foregoing cutting/trimming your hair won't help gain length because split ends will only keep accumulating & this will get worse with time & it will damage the hair hence to avoid this, we should endeavor to apply this method, there is no actual use of holding onto long hair that is thinning out & having damaged ends. Trimming will help retain length & also help reduce breakage.

Types of Trimming 

  • The Twist method: this is an easy and effective method of trimming, simply section hair and twist in small sections, this will help see split ends clearer.
  • The Ponytail method: Simply put hair in neat ponytail and trim off desired ends.
  • The Section method: this is mostly done on wet hair by taking random sections of the hair & cutting off desired amount.
  • The Half & Half method: this method works best with straightened hair.
DUSTING: This involves cutting off a 1/4 inch of the ends of the hair(thinning or uneven parts of the hair) in order to keep hair in healthy condition without having to cut too much, this is a more alternative method for those conscious about keeping the hair length & can be done every few weeks. Hair is less likely to get damaged when they are at the same & equal length as each strand, this is also good for Length retention.

Types of Dusting
  • The Search & Destroy method: section hair into equal halfs, search for split ends and get rid off it until entire head of hair is done. This is very time consuming but gives perfect results, so plan ahead.
  • The Twist and Dust method: section hair & twist hair in an anti-clockwise all over head of hair, any uneven layers & split ends will be more noticeable along twist and should be trimmed off with a good quality scissors or cutting shears.
Kindly share article using your favorite social media, also comment below if you have ever trimmed your hair yourself and what method you applied or would like to try out. Thank you all for your support.


  1. Hi I'm a fan of your blog and I enjoy your educative posts on hair care products . However I've issues with my hair as I have dandruff I don't know how you can assist with your advice. Yetunde

    1. Dear Yetunde, there are a few home remedies you can use to treat DANDRUFF. there is the ACV rinse, Lemon treatment, Tea-tree oil treatment, Salt treatment, Aloe vera juice mix with coconut oil treatment & baking soda treatment. Constant use of any of this treatments will help prevent dandruff. Please try any & give us feedback afterwards..... Thank you for your kind words

  2. Dear brave chic. can you assist in getting the products. Yetunde

    1. Yes, I sell Hair products, simply open chat via WhatsApp 2347046499517 to order for products of interest.

    2. Yes, I sell Hair products, simply open chat via WhatsApp 2347046499517 to order for products of interest.


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